IAM Lodge 2765

San Diego, CA

International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
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Lodge 2765

San Diego, CA

 Binding Arbitration

A legislative campaign currently underway and orchestrated by the nations major air carriers is designed to severely undermine the collective bargaining process and weaken the rights of all airline employees. Spearheaded by the Air Transport Association (ATA), an industry trade association made up of 22 U.S. member airlines and four foreign-flag associate members, airline CEO's are urging Congress to amend the Railway Labor Act to include mandatory binding arbitration in labor negotiations. This would effectively take away an airline employee's right to vote on collective bargaining agreements.

You can help preserve airline employees rights by urging your Senators to oppose forcing mandatory arbitration into airline negotiations and there are several ways you can accomplish this. By far the easiest is to log on to www.goiam.org and click on Political. You will then want to click on State and follow directions. By doing this you can send either a pre expressed opposition to this legislation or you can write your own comments. The next best thing is to write a letter to their offices. Either choice you make is an important one because any opposition not received is really considered an approval depending on your Senator. Your next step should be simply to ask friends and family to write in as well.

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Last modified: 2/18/2010

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